Thread: Viewing Threads
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Old 11-16-2007, 08:02 AM
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Default Viewing Threads

Posted By: Joann

Agree. Even though there are no "pick up thread rules" published anywhere (hee), the meaning and use are clear to those that have been on the board (or reading without posting) for any length of time.

I think it's another one of those things where, when you are assimilating into the group, you keep an eye on the landscape and start to understand the group's workings and norms. Because Lordy if we had to rely on proper English to convey the meaning of things as simple as pick-up thread use, we would be sunk!

But I also don't think it's ambiguous. Even if you can see an alternate meaning in that the thread counts each person's individual pick ups for the month, this meaning should be quickly rejected on the basis of impracticality. It would lead to having as many as a dozen threads because one or two people got that many cards in a month. It would also lead to many simultaneously active pick up threads as people added to the one that matched their individual pick up.

Not practical at all = likely not the meaning, despite any grammatical arguments.

And please Leon, don't let us get to the point where we have to have a posted set up pick up thread rule. Everyone knows how it works.


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