Thread: Viewing Threads
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Old 11-16-2007, 08:46 AM
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Default Viewing Threads

Posted By: leon

Two pickup threads a month won't work due to the Ne54 temp files only hosting scans for approximately one week. Two years ago when I started the thread about this, and had only taken the moderator position 4-5 months earlier (I think), I was still on regular dial where I live is out a little ways. There were others at that time in the same position(only had dial up). Download times were hideous. My guess is that 98% or more of our members now have high speed access and the downloads aren't an issue. Because of the temp files only staying for about a week, in Net54, I want to keep the threads the same as they have been. They work fine from what I see...Please try to let them get to between 40-50 before you start a new one. Rules have to be enforced and we have too da** many now so there won't be written rules about it, as long as there doesn't have to be. Also, lets don't get into semantics about this.....If you pick something up and want to show it ...please do so. Have fun collecting and don't worry so regards

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