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Old 07-12-2008, 12:37 PM
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Default Not the sharpest tool in the eBay shed

Posted By: Rob D.

For better or for worse, I've decided to try to put together a "master" set of R306 Butter Creams (58 cards -- minus the two Ruths -- with an example of each card with the Sept. 1 and Oct. 1 backs). So I see this auction on eBay for a Mickey Cochrane. The seller listed the card Monday, without a scan of the back, so I contacted him/her that night with a polite request for a scan of the back. I received no response and followed up with similar requests Wednesday and Friday. Still haven't heard a thing.

I know I'm pretty much preaching to the choir here, but how can someone who sells a lot of cards on eBay:

1. not include a scan of the back of a card;

2. not respond to three requests for a scan. (In my second request, I even suggested that if he/she can't provide a scan to just let me know and I would stop asking).

I also find it ironic that this seller chose to take the time on his/her "My eBay" page to criticize eBay's new feedback system, yet they don't have the time or inclination to respond to a potential bidder.

Sorry, I know I'm pretty much venting here. Anyway, if anyone knows this seller and has his/her ear, could you suggest to them that they're likely costing themselves money?

Thanks, I feel better now.

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