Thread: Vote!!!
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:14 PM
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Default Vote!!!

Posted By: J Levine


Firstly, many of my Christian friends and churches do not believe that Mormons, Witnessess, Catholics and Lutherans (among others) are true Christians. They actually call them "perversions of faith." These are fundamentalist Christian views. Speaking of which...I know many conservative right wing gay Christian people also who completely believe in their faith with the same conviction as anyone else.

Speaking of which, would people be upset if gay people had taken to heart the notion that being gay is a choice (I believe it is not) and applied under the federal guidelines for a Church of Gay which gives them equal protection under the law?

Also...Jews do not believe in the bible. We only follow the Old Testament (Torah portion).

Second...I am not a Christian hater. I actually know quite a few church going, right winging, god loving Christians who voted no on Prop. 8. They are my friends and I love them to death. They also do not preach to me constantly or force their views on me. We talk, we argue, but we do it with respect, dignity and a sense of where each of us is coming from and sometimes I change my mind and sometimes they change theirs.

Third...Being Jewish, I am hardest on my Jewish friends...I give them more grief about their beliefs and practices than I do anyone else (well, except for collectors of Donruss---those people are just frickin' crazy!!).

Fourth...I am not an Anti-Dentite (I just have an appointment for the dentist today and am nervous).


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