Thread: Vote!!!
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Old 11-08-2008, 06:50 PM
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Default Vote!!!

Posted By: Jim VB

<<"I disagree with most of what you say. Most of the things you attribute to me I never said or thought.">>

I apologize. I really didn't mean to infer that all of those views were yours. Many of them belong to the right wing fringe and I lumped you in.

<"1)First who says I am forcing my beliefs on anyone. Its a legal decision--there are 4 votes on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade--">>

Correct. It is a legal decision. And right now, abortion is legal so calling it "murder" is just an attempt at sensationalism. Sort of like calling Democrats "socialists!" Overturning Roe v. Wade is more difficult than just counting votes. The Court has no standard mechanism to routinely go back and review past decisions. Some one will have to make a case that abortion infringes upon their rights. That case will have to wind through the court system and end up in the Supreme Court. Not an easy challenge.

<"2)Secondly I am not letting my religious beliefs trump anything--who said I believe the earth is 6500 years old?">>

See apology above. I wrongly imputed Sarah Palin's views on you. I am sorry.

<"3)Just because you say it is not murder does not mean you are right. I think it is--I would say that the majority of the country agrees with that. They also agree that abortions should be significantly limited. I am sure that if there was an up or down vote on whether abortions should be outlawed except for rape or incest it would pass.">>

I don't think the majority agrees with you at all. Even in South Dakota which is a very conservative state, that vote lost again this election. (I also think this is one of those issues that "the majority" shouldn't matter. Some issues are either right or wrong, regardless of majority opinion. Slavery used to be a majority opinion. That didn't make it right. The majority used to be opposed to women voting. That was wrong. Restrictions of legal rights of gays is a similar matter.)

I have no problem banning all abortions past the point of human viability, but prior to that, it should be up to the mother. (By the way, I'm a Catholic. Twenty years ago, my wife had a miscarriage at 4 months. The church refused to Baptize and refused to bury our baby. They didn't consider it a baby. The position of my church is inconsistent.)

<"4) I also never suggested I was or anyone should be a one issue voter. I have mentioned several times issues that are important to me. I take them all into consideration.">>

Again, I apologize for inferring you were. But many people on your side of the argument are. That would be OK on some issues. This one seems like the wrong one to me.

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