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Old 01-13-2009, 12:06 PM
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Default Reselling on ebay so quickly?

Posted By: George

I was not venting frustration on a card I was looking to buy or showing sour grapes in anyway on a personal purchase. I guess after reading everyone's post, yes, it is a free country and I guess if someone wants to bid and win a card for $500.00 and list it 5 days later(the day they receive it in the mail) for $1400 on a buy it now or best offer, that is their decision?? If I see that happen and someone pays say $900.00 I always cringe..there is technically nothing wrong with doing the above, I just wouldn't list it so soon that it would still be right there in completed listings a week earlier for everyone to view. But, after thinking about it, these days with the wealth of oppurtunity to research a card's going price is pretty readily available. If I sell a card a few months down the line and it sells for a couple hundred higher than I paid, fine. That doesn't bother me. Just when it gets listed a couple of days later. I also feel bad when I see people pay OUTRAGEOUS prices on a buy it now for a card that sold substantially lower in the recent week...but, whatever. I guess most people will say in's their own fault for not shopping around.

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