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Old 03-30-2009, 08:52 AM
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Default Toured Beckett and met our leader Leon

Posted By: Mark Anderson

Yes, anyone is always welcome to come see our offices, but you'll need to clear it with me first so I know we have time.

But yes, David was allowed to see more than most would because he is working with us on a new business. Someone who is consulting with us and it may help for them to see the actual slabbing machines, grading area, vault, etc., may be carefully and securely escorted through those areas. But as a rule, guests are not allowed in those locations simply because of the sheer number of customer cards that are being processed.

Wish we had pygmy tribes and hot springs, but like David said, it is unfortunately just an office building, essentially.

We will be doing another seminar with JSA in June, which is an open house with grading and authentication discussions. that would be an ideal time for anyone to come on down to Dallas for a visit. I think more people come to see Leon, so maybe I just need to hire him as an autograph guest!

(Oh, and David's comments on the message boards - to be clear - were my off the cuff personal opinions only. I don't have any say in the message boards nor any knowledge of their future. My experience with them was that there was a good group of people on there with valid points, and then a very sizable number of crazy conspiracy theorists and trolls. The boards were a love-hate relationship with me - I got some great input at times, but I also had to bite my tongue as I'd read insane posts and our policy had been to pretty much let it all fly, more or less. I do know that since people have given the new site a chance, things have been going very well. In particular, people love the free trading capabilities from the feedback I've heard.)

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