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Old 04-13-2009, 03:39 PM
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Default Please remember to start using the new board- asap

Posted By: Joann

Shoot. Bummer you guys. Unless you have a particular firewall issue, I bet the new host is on a portal/socket or whatever that your workplaces have on the "insecure" and blocked list.

I have the problem in reverse trying to get on my work email from school. Apparently my company uses or goes through a 1442/1444 portal (socket? I can't remember which term they used) and the IT department at school has this on their blocked list for their wireless.

And it is a switch that is thrown on the your end, so to speak. Meaning that from the Lansing campus I could never get onto my work email. Then when the Grand Rapids campus was first hooked to wireless I could get on it. Then when the school IT dept got the GR campus final configuration in, I couldn't get on from anywhere. The school that provided the access set the block, not work or me or my software or anything like that.

I bet that's what's up here, but I hope not. That would mean that the control is at work, and I suspect it would be hard to get your IT to throw that switch so you can visit a card forum. sad.gif(

FWIW, when I get blocked at school, it doesn't give me any kind of pop-up message that a firewall or anything else like that is kicking in. It simply refuses to load the page and I get the standard browser message for a page that won't load.


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