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Old 05-15-2009, 12:55 PM
wonkaticket wonkaticket is offline
J0hn McD@niel
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 2,668

I have had a very few select folks in cyberspace hint that I was a bit hard on the beaver if you will in regards to Kevin and this issue.

For the record I would like to make my point clear incase anyone else feels this way...

I will make this simple and clear as I think I have spent way too much time on this. My job is not to provide a detailed report to you that Kevin is up to no good that’s for you to decide based on what was said. This is not Chan or an FBI deal two totally different animals.

People will take what they will from his awful comments and let’s be honest here that was some pretty messed up stuff he said let’s not put icing on a turd and call it cake.

My stance is I’m not going to sit on information in which a known card doctor is bragging about fraud to a targeted group regardless of what the public opinion of him may or may not be. If that makes me a bad guy in your eyes so be it.

I would guess I'm not on Chan's Xmas card list this year either...

Sorry good guy or not. I have zero tolerance for scammers real or fantasy land liars doesn’t matter.

However you want to spin it it’s not cool and it’s not what we should expect from anyone. Especially someone with the outspoken nature that Kevin has against this very practice…extremely hypocritical to say the least and potentially criminal!

The point is simple make folks aware, it’s your call what you do with the info.

Time will tell if it was a monumentally mean spirited stupid lie or something far far worse.


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