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Old 05-16-2009, 07:16 AM
BillyCoxDodgers3B BillyCoxDodgers3B is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,740

I can assure you that both PSA and JSA have no issue in examining both pre and post-accident Campys. Some others have gone on record as saying that post-accident (device-assisted) examples are difficult to authenticate, but I really have to take the opposite stance on that argument. There are still plenty of very obvious characteristics marking the formation of the latter-day version. Also, as a result of his disability, Campy's post-accident signature was marked with unique qualities in both pen pressure and what I can only call its "spastic quality". I really have never seen a forger come close to being able to mimic all of Campy's very unique post-accident "tells".
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