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Old 05-22-2009, 11:34 AM
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David Poses
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Cold Spring, NY
Posts: 63
Default lulls

here is my standard lull:

i get excited about a series which is under-represented in my yankee type set- ie- i pick up a batter-up lazzeri. i find myself feeling like every other set sucks, so i stop buying yankees from the other sets i collect because all i want is yankee batter-ups, and dammit, they're nowhere to be found. so i do the only logical thing: buy non-yankee batter-ups like a madman. then it occurs to me that since i have several brooklyn batter-ups, i should add brooklyn to my collecting focus and pick up a few e90 brooklyn players. i go to vcp and make a wantlist containing every brooklyn card ever made and the emails vcp sends with yankee cards get lost in the midst of all the brooklyn-related emails. this trend goes on until (usually by accident), i stumble on a card i really want, which costs less than all the crap i have recently purchased, but more than i can spend since i just blew so much on stuff i really don't want. so i list the regrettable purchases on ebay, take a beating, get mad that i missed out on the scarce, highly coveted card, and buy something more expensive than the aforementioned "highly coveted card," which i didn't want or need nearly as much as "the one that got away."

then i take a few days off to re-evaluate things. during this period i have been known to (a) buy a rack pack of 1982 topps with a reggie jackson showing, (b) view smut online more than net54, (c) both.

idle time is the devil's something or other. so true. the moment my focus strays, i do something i regret.
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