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Old 05-29-2009, 08:24 AM
aelefson aelefson is offline
Alan Elefson
Join Date: May 2009
Location: MA
Posts: 1,216

Has anyone tried to organize a public protest against SCD at a major show? If they are at Shriner's in Wilmington next week, I would gladly help organize (or participate in) a protest at their booth. Granted, this might get folks kicked out of the show, but if we apply enough pressure wherever there are representatives of SCD perhaps we can convince them to change their mind.
Or, how about a boycott of all dealers who still advertise with that magazine? I realize there are probably still some good dealers who advertise with SCD, but maybe a boycott (or a letter writing campaign) would help pressure them to spend their advertising dollars elsewhere. I have not seen an SCD in years, so I have no idea who advertises in there nowadays.
These are just suggestions (and probably bad ones at that), but I would be interested in helping in any way I can (although I am a very small fish in the sea of the hobby).
Alan Elefson
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