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Old 06-19-2009, 09:05 AM
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RichardSimon RichardSimon is offline
Richard Simon
Join Date: May 2009
Location: New York City
Posts: 5,425

"Can you imagine the fun you and I will have in the discovery phase of the suit? That is where my lawyer or lawyers can request documents and other evidence from CC and use the evidence they find to show my comments were not slander.

I bet I could charge admission during the deposition stage".
How much, hold a ticket for me.
Discovery in a lawsuit is a wonderful thing, nothing is sacred and your atty. can get the names of all of the CC consignors.
And then that e mailer who writes under an anonymous AOL name and who has his mailbox blocked, so you cannot return an answer to him, can actually find out if the four people he is accusing of being CC suppliers are actually CC suppliers.
ps. In case this info is needed at some point in time I want to note it here - John Doe lawsuits can be useful too. When I sued an unknown AOL member for libel I filed suit against John Doe a/k/a ,,,,,,,, AOL was subpoeaned and they immediately coughed up the real name of that person. He and his wife eventually were forced to cough up a tidy sum of money to me.
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