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Old 06-24-2009, 12:52 PM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Default Once upon a time

As I said somewhere if I am wrong I will be the first to admit it. I just got off of the phone with MemoryLane. After sorting through the details it looks like I was wrong in assuming Ryan is a scammer. I based my reasoning on emails I received and reading the thread on CU. With what I now know it does NOT LOOK LIKE ANY FRAUD was committed or was even tried to be committed. I apologize for the issue I have caused Ryan.

That being out of the way it looks like what really did happen is sort of as Adam W said. Someone was selling something before they had it AND they (Ryan) was told misinformation in the process. Neither MemoryLane nor I think Ryan is out to fraud anyone on this subject. Ryan is being reinstated on the board and again I apologize for posting on the board without doing my own investigation.
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