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Old 07-16-2009, 10:25 PM
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tbob tbob is offline
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Frank- There is no need to apologize. Every time a person with a conscience sees that symbol he is reminded of man's inhumanity towards his fellow man and I believe will recall the words on the front gates of the Holocaust memorial I saw in France, "We will forgive but let us never forget."
Adolph Hitler was once asked if the world's perception of the Holocaust when it was in its earliest stages would cause dire fallout for Germany and Hitler said, "Who remembers the Armenians?" Today most Americans have little knowledge if any at all about the first mass genocide, the Turkish slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Armenian men, women and children during World War 1. Hitler foolheartedly thought the Holocaust would be as easily forgotten.
When I see that symbol I don't think of "good luck," I think of the horror and the tragedy and the utter inhumanity. It is good we remember. Let us never forget.
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