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Old 08-04-2009, 08:52 PM
NonSportDaniel NonSportDaniel is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 59

I collect almost exclusively non-sports cards, with an occasional boxing focus, so my thoughts might differ from most of you on this board. I do lurk here every day as I really appreciate all of your knowledge and enjoy the topics and banter.

It is impossible for me to be anywhere during the week so I can only attend a show like the National on Saturday and Sunday. I was at the show all day Saturday and all day Sunday and found it nearly impossible to see everything that was on display for sale. The thought of cutting back the hours on those days is one that I find abhorrent. Additionally many dealers didn't even show on Sunday so several cards that I decided that I wanted after I walked the show floor (which took the entire 10-6 on Saturday) I couldn't go back and purchase on Sunday. Also, there seems to be a skewed focus on dealer to dealer time and not enough on random buyer to dealer time, at least for someone like me who can only attend on weekends.

I'm fairly young and have one in private college and one in private high school so I don't/can't spend as freely as I suspect some who post here are able (at least not today; but today my kids are my main focus, not my collecting). My budget for the National might be $700, although I fully realize that I'll probably spend more like $1000 (and did, of course). $26 per day to walk in the door for two days is like a 5.2% loss of my spending money, assuming I spend the full $1000; no small percentage in my humble opinion. I have a hard time believing that my $1000 is considered to be so small chump change by the dealers that they are indifferent if I even show up, but I suppose that everyone is entitled to their opinion and anything is possible.

I'm a midwesterner so my vote would be to keep it in Chicago, for what my vote is worth.

I enjoyed meeting Leon as well as many other dealers and collectors and look forward to 2011 as I'm not sure that Baltimore is doable for me.

Last edited by NonSportDaniel; 08-04-2009 at 08:54 PM.
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