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Old 08-12-2009, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
An open feedback system where anyone could post feedback about anyone else probably wouldn't last a week before it turned into a wrestling match.

We've discussed the possibility of a "trader points" system before but it would add quite a bit of complexity to the software we don't want to deal with right now.
You may be right.

I don't like the iTrader system, but that's just personal preference. Plus, as you noted, it would be more work for Leon and crew.

I've been on a couple forums where there is a "feedback" area. One of the best I've seen was a system where each user started a thread with his/her name, and as transactions were completed between members, each left feedback for the other person in their respective feedback thread.

There are/were a couple shouting matches here and there, but overall it serves as a good place to review "history" before completing a BST with another user.
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