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Old 08-12-2009, 04:29 PM
shammus shammus is offline
Brian McQueen
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Olathe, KS
Posts: 2,231
Default ** BST Warning - Brandon Brown **

Unfortunately we've recently had to revisit an issue that has come up several times in the past concerning Brandon Brown making good on deals he agrees to in our BST section. None of the moderators, myself included, enjoy having to call people out on the main board. This case is certainly no exception especially given that we feel Brandon has good intentions at least when he first agrees to a transaction. However, it's been brought to our attention, that even with several warnings and a couple of prior bannings/reinstatements, deals are still continuing to go sour on Brandon's end. We've decided to go ahead and ban/remove Brandon from the BST section at this point, however he will still be allowed to participate on the main board.

This is not in any way a personal attack on Brandon and we're certainly not trying to pick on him. Part of what we try to do as moderators is communicate to the public when things aren't working right in a particular situation. So this will hopefully serve as a heads up for any deals that might already be in the works or underway in the near future.

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