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Old 08-14-2009, 07:08 AM
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jmk59 jmk59 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 201

Hi Jamie,

I think you stuck your foot in it a little bit in this case because Brian is a moderator, and you do owe him an apology. However, I think most of your points are very valid in the too-many cases here in which individuals call out other individuals over single transactions and even perceived slights.

So board ... I know it will be easy to outright dismiss Jamie's thinking on this because he mistakenly applied it to a moderator, but he makes some very good points on board call-outs in general. Some people are way too fast and loose with wanting to call the local hangman for reasons that are sometimes way too thin.

These are people's reputations that are in play here. It should take something certain and clearly grievous before someone gets to start tossing someone else's name out there and accusing him of dishonest dealings.

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