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Old 08-14-2009, 02:39 PM
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Default Aol

Originally Posted by jmk59 View Post
I tried to do a quick mental tally of those items in my world that hit cc's automatically without notice or asking if I want to renew. It took me about two seconds to come up with:

Sirius satellite radio
AAA Auto Club (annual)
Web hosting
Safe deposit box annual rental

I know there must be more, but this is what I came up with in literally < 10 seconds of thinking.

When i saw your list i immediately thought of AOL (America Online) I remember when they were the be all end all of the getting online (though I never used them). I can remember hearing from multiple friends that AOL would actually renew their memberships on the cc's up to one month prior to the subscription ending. And to top off that AOL was notoriusly difficult to get to actually cancell your membership.....meaning you would actually tell the customer service operator to cancel your membership yet your cc would continue to get billed. i have two friends that actually cancelled their cc in order to top AOL from continuing to hound them. Wow... I had not thought of AOL for several years until this. Are they even still around??
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