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Old 08-31-2009, 04:56 PM
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Jim VB
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by Reginald Marsh View Post
Aw shucks Al i forgot that the entire world revolves around your every thought. My post was to clarify how i felt about certain people and that i do not hate anyone. I did not apologize to anyone nor have i ever implied that apologies were forthcoming. You see Al there are over 2000 members and probably another 2000 lurkers that watch this board, of the 4000 people i would say 80% never post or have any input to the board. So when like a handful of folks get pissed off over basically nothing it may affect that little "click" but in the reality of the baseball card world it means nothing.

I also found it interesting that a majority of these folks that were really going to give me a piece of their mind at the National did not even come to the show or the dinner for that matter but guess what GASP- I did go to the show and GASP-Did exactly what i said i would do which is roll around and have a ball buying and selling cards and GASP- I did attend the dinner like i said i would do and GASP-No one approached me or had anything to say in regards to the "click".

As i have stated from the beginning if people would not e-mail me or message me in regards to all this nonsense then i would not post about it. Anyone with any intelligence can tell by my original post that really i was trying to say i hate no one so let's move on........but oh that's right.......i forgot the "click" thinks i seek acceptance or want to be a part of it and really that's just not my bag.

I had a nice chat with Leon at the National and also the dinner and i think he knows that really i'm not trying to harm anyone so different strokes for different folks. Welcome to America Al C where the streets are getting tougher every day.

CLIQUE!!!! Dammit! Not "click."