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Old 08-31-2009, 06:51 PM
Wesley Wesley is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 183

Originally Posted by Al C.risafulli View Post
I think everyone here understands you, Marshall, and that is very much the point.

You're happy to suggest that someone who has nothing positive to say should not post, but you're not content to take your own advice. What could have served as a nice try at an apology instead came off as another self-serving rant that placed the blame at the feet of those people who are offended by your inane yammering.

It could have gone like this:

Instead, it goes like this:

But you don't get it, because there's clearly something wrong with your digestive system which is causing your intestinal gas to back up into your brain.

Aside from prattling on about your peace pipe cards and your hundred-dollar auction, I have seen absolutely zero useful, on-topic posts from you. You exist solely to type irritating and insulting things, pull the board off-topic, and generally get people pissed.

So yeah, I'm irritated that you're here again. You're like the Swine Flu - nobody wants you but you keep coming around, when you're here you get everyone all uptight, but really you're just a headache and some mucus.


Edited to add: I'm not one to attack people personally or even start fights on message boards. Anyone who might be wondering where this post is coming from, I urge you to find some of Mr. Barkman's jabs at Joann, and then ask how someone who could be so crude toward such a respected contributor to this board could possibly be allowed to remain here.

Has Joann been posting? Have not seen her here for a while.