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Old 09-03-2009, 08:24 AM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by Ladder7 View Post
Got any signed boxing mitts from ol' Buzz?

Note to self, Never tell an astronaut he's a liar or a coward!!!

That's always been one of my favorite clips ever on YouTube. Almost makes me wish Mike Tyson had been an astronaut and been approached like that by some zero accomplishment douchebag.

If I had risked my life like Buzz and had some ignorant, conspiracy theorist idiot like that walk up to me and speak those things to me, I might have done the same thing.

Wonder what that guys bucket list looks like?

#1. Tell legendary astronaut he's a coward and a liar for doing what he did. - check

#2. Walk up to FDNY firefighter and ask him if he helped set up the explosive charge that leveled the trade center and killed dozens of his fellow brothers. - check

#3. Tell D-Day veteran he was a misled soldier of fortune who contributed to the enslavement of the European people by Russia and the Allies. - check

#4. Spit in the face of Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger. Tell him he works for an evil corporation who pollutes the sky with CO2 emissions and has contributed to World overpopullation problems by landing that plane so deftly on the Hudson River. - to do.......pencilled in for next Sunday.

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