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Old 09-13-2009, 06:26 PM
Griffins Griffins is offline
Anthøny N. ex
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 1,288

I'll chime in with the Canon 4400f. It does amazing scans.

As far as shooting copy shots with cameras, there is no need to use filters with digital files- they can easily be corrected with photoshop or similar programs.
Any camera that will focus close enough to come close to filling the frame should work, just make sure that there is a high enough light level that you're not getting camera shake, and zoom out to the longest focal length (telephoto) your camera has, to avoid reflections if the cards are slabbed.
I recently got a Canon G10 (there is a new model, the G11). It's a compact point and shoot and is absolutely amazing. It's simple if you want it to be, but has a lot of sophisticated features if you want to use them. It's a bit pricey for what it is (about $450) but worth every penny. And for an extra $200 you can get a water housing that will go to 150'
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