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Old 11-07-2009, 02:02 PM
Rich Klein Rich Klein is offline
Rich Klein
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Plano Tx
Posts: 4,523
Default A nice touch by John and Judy Burk

For those who may not know who they are; John and Judy run Collectible Classics Auctions

In the current auction they are running; they are donating (and I suspect it is through the wishes in a will) all the monies from a bunch of items in their auction to SABR (Society of American Baseball Research). The items came from Ron Gabriel, who was a long-time respected member of SABR. In fact; Ron hosted the first ever SABR Regional meeting in the 1970's and thus helped to create a local way to fuel the growth of SABR.

Ron was a class act; and to me; this story indicates what kind of person he was and how much he loved the Brooklyn Dodgers. In 1997, when I was fortunate enough to be on a SABR team trivia title (Along with Eddie Gold, Don Zminda and Mark Kanter) he immediately jumped to the stage to give us all Brooklyn Dodger pins. Not needed; but certainly a nice touch.

So; if you wish to support SABR and honor a fine man at the same time; please check out John and Judy's latest auction.


P.S. As an editorial note; I have NOTHING in that auction for sale so this post does not benefit me in any way!

Last edited by Rich Klein; 11-07-2009 at 05:41 PM.
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