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Old 12-18-2009, 08:23 AM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Default Brian

I wholeheartedly concur. Most people that read the board ONLY want to take from it, NOT give back to it. Even some of my hobby friends, like Gary N- who had big issues getting a check from Mastro, is ONLY a taker. I got raked over the coals to take down the banner, it got taken down, Gary got his money...and except for about 1 other post, has been gone. I know he reads the board too, as I see him logged in sometimes. Great hobby knowledge, but is only a taker. There are many others the same way. It's sad but it will never change. For those that give back I want to extend a special thanks.....It is YOU who the hobby desperately needs. Thanks again to all who have shared on the board. best regards
Leon Luckey
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