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Old 02-04-2010, 11:51 AM
BleedinBlue BleedinBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Farmington, CT
Posts: 666
Default I've probably done them all...

I'm currently at 131 cards. 25% of the way to 524.

When I began the set I decided to do it alphabetically. One card at a time. That lasted about 4 cards until I couldn't find the next card (Doc Adkins) for a few weeks. Then I decided to just do all the "A" cards at once. That went well since there were only 14 cards and no HOF'ers or SL'ers so I could find them but didn't get overwhelmed with quantity or price.

Somewhere along the way I decided to put together a Brooklyn set since that has always been my team. That added 27 cards to my wantlist but Whitely Alperman was already covered in the first "A" group so, really it's only 26, not a big deal to acquire. There is a Zack Wheat card and Bill Dahlen Brooklyn is a toughie but nothing earth shattering.

Then I thought I'd also add the "150 only" cards to my list. There's only 11 of them and some are cool horizontal poses. Should be easy right? Plus some were already covered in the "A" group or the "Brooklyn" group like Red Ames, Al Burch or Harry Pattee. So no big deal. Right? 8 more cards, right?

Then I finished up the "A" group and started on the "B" group. 53 cards. Some already covered above but definately a step up in effort. And cost. SL'ers started joining the mix. Plus HOF'ers and a couple more toughies. No problem I thought, I can handle it. But, a lot of options now. Definately finding cards from my list everywhere I look. Buying really picking up now.

Then I just said screw it and bought anything I could find for a reasonable price. Reasonable being whatever the seller was asking for the card so long as his name wasn't Levi. That's when things got to be a problem. Did I mention that I started this set 6 months ago and have already taken two different month long breaks? 131 cards in essentially 4 months of buying. Notice I didn't say I paid for 131 cards in 4 months. My friend Visa is going to take a lot longer to pay off.

Whatever approach you can control is the best approach. You will have demonstrated more will power than I have.

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