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Old 02-04-2010, 04:48 PM
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Jim R
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Maryland
Posts: 1,318

First -I will never be complete because I want every front and back combo that exist.

I started by aquiring my first Ty Cobb card-bat on in ex for $100 in 1989. Started going to the Philly show and buying cards of the Cubs team. When I got to about 50 206s I located a checklist and then the backs started. Mail orders from Dave Levins site around 2000 maybe 2002. It took about 2 years to get 1 example of each back to 32 or so then another 2 or 3 years to get Uzit, Drum, brown Lenox and BL 460. After that I desided I needed 10 examples of each back and went crazy on th etough backs on ebay and the Philly show during the late 90s and early 2000s.
Finally got brown Old Mill about a year ago. I was the underbidder on this back in Lipset about 8-10 years ago. You just don't see this back on the market. If you have a chance DO NOT let it go by. BL 460 is the 3rd toughest. Brown Lenox and brown Old Mill both have less examples in ciculation with BOM the toughest.
Somewhere around 2000 I started going after the 117 possible Baltimore combos. I am currantly at 75 different.

I will always pick up examples of this set but for now and for a very long time my focus will be in the south.

good luck and happy collecting.
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