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Old 02-26-2010, 12:15 PM
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vintagesportscollector vintagesportscollector is offline
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Originally Posted by RichardSimon View Post
I don't know the auction house.
To Greg and the others who think I should not have called her stupid :
Perhaps stupid was being too harsh,though someone who needs money to buy a house should have no business bidding on a baseball when they know nothing about sports memorabilia,,,,, but why would she even write to me? The woman is allegedly a PhD,, she should know that an attorney is the only one who can give her answers. What help could I possibly give her?
And to Barry : you are not the only one who got a headache after reading the e mail.
Why would she even write to you? Maybe because she doesn’t know exactly what type of advice you could provide and was seeking help in an area which she knows nothing about and doesn’t recognize the issues? She was "hoping you could offer some advice about this given your expertise”. PhD or GED I wouldn’t necessarily expect someone’s first reaction to be to call an attorney if they’ve never dealt in this situation before. I find your reaction surprising.

She probably has been reaching out to multiple people. Who knows how you were recommended to her. Perhaps she saw your website and saw you are “one of the leading authorities on sports collectibles in the nation” . Occasionally people will politely reach out to me for help in the hobby – often I can’t help because it’s not my area of knowledge. I simply reply that I can’t help much and offer any advice I can. I try not to be rude to them, and critical, and I don’t ridicule them. Sadly this women, who appears to have deep genuine concern, probably only feels worse now
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