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Old 03-26-2010, 11:09 PM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Great stories, Jimmy...

Sorry to spur those bad memories! But I can relate so much to them, as I think most of us can. There are very few feelings in life worse than being duped, but that's how we ultimately learn and progress.

I would bet that most people on here who deny it ever happening to them are fibbing (or at least not telling the whole truth). Nobody knows everything from "Day 1". That's what makes this hobby a great one... the continued learning and sharing of the knowledge.

The Jimmie Foxx Ball that sits in my shadowbox display represents "attempt #2" at an original one. There were lots of other silly mistakes made along the way as well... including some recent big ones (i.e. that damn Cap Anson Padlock!) Some were driven by the hope of getting something valuable for a great price- though amazingly, I never "bit" at any Coach's Corner offerings... even in the early days (thank God!).

I'll stop rambling, but suffice it to say that despite the mistakes and setbacks, all of our collections are better since the advent of Ebay. I know mine is, and that the good far outweighs the bad. Now, I can't wait to read about your "good surprises", Jimmy. There must be quite a few, given the infinite number of gems you've posted here!
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