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Old 03-27-2010, 05:51 PM
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vintagesportflips vintagesportflips is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 495
Default best/worst

My best surprise came in a huge group of more modern football and baseball programs (a couple of box loads), mainly Eagles stuff from the 70s and 80s. As I was sorting through it, at the bottom of one of the boxes, was an Eagles player contract from the 40s, a 1960 Eagles yearbook (which aren't that easy to come by), and a folder of a bunch of team used letterhead, etc.
As an Eagles collector, I was ecstatic with that surprise.

Worst surprise. Several years ago, when I was more into nodders, and trying to complete the relatively inexpensive merger series set, I came across a Baltimore Colts merger series nodder, that had a very odd base. The base was more of a wedge shaped base, with script Baltimore, exactly like you would see on the base of a Baltimore Orioles nodder. I emailed the seller, and he assured me that it was all original, and I specifially asked about how the ankle area looked. It looked perfect in the photos, and I thought it was some very rare prototype or something, so I won it. Upon receiving it, although it was not evident in the photos, the ankles had been obviously broken off, and for some reason attached to the feet and base of a Baltimore Orioles nodder. My prototype was too good to be true. I recall an incredible hassle to get a refund too.
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