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Old 03-29-2010, 09:28 AM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 2,592
Default More Dealers?

Anyone who's ever been self-employed knows what a nightmare getting affordable insurance can be. High cost, high deductible, you're basically paying double--for insurance and basic health care at the same time. And if you've ever had any health issues at all, it's IMPOSSIBLE. This in a country professing to encourage entrepreneurship. How many people are working for others or reluctant to change jobs solely because of the health insurance issues? How can that kind of inflexibility be good for our economy? I have no idea how this new reform will affect me or others, of course I'm hoping it's for the better. But as for the current (and rapidly deteriorating) employer-based system, how come we're the only ones in the world doing it this way? Something had to be done. Maybe these changes will enable more people to go out on their own as dealers, and competition is always a good thing, for this business and every other.
Hank Thomas
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