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Old 04-07-2010, 06:45 PM
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Default How do these pitchers do it?

Originally Posted by slidekellyslide View Post
The same way that guys like Pedro Martinez...and even Bobby Shantz did it. I never saw Shantz so he may have been a junkballer or had a great curve..never looked into it, but I know he was tiny.

edited to add: I'm more amazed by a guy like CC Sabathia who must weigh 300 lbs and he can still pitch.
This is a great topic and I've often thought about it!
I can tell you, as an avid history buff of no-hit pitchers through time, that many dominant no-hit pitching performances have been turned in by guys that were amazingly small of stature. Pitching dominance does not always equal physical size and conversely physical size does not guarantee quality pitching performance and results. That being said, watching modern baseball games would almost lead you believe that all major league pitchers are 6'4" + and 220 lbs......
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