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Old 04-23-2010, 07:25 PM
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teetwoohsix teetwoohsix is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Las Vegas,Nevada
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Along with everything said above,I also get the strong feeling that the thief/thieves either know the victim,or got information from someone who knows the victim.If it's the latter,the person providing the information may have given it without realizing they were giving it to "the wrong people".

It,to me,doesn't sound like a random burglary.Just because they stole other items,like jewelery,doesn't suggest random to me.

If the thief/thieves knew the victim,they surely would want to take other items,to make it appear to be"random".If they knew the victim,and only took the collection,it would be a little more transparent,IMO.So,by taking other items,it would make it "appear" a little more like a random burglary.

Plus-thieves are greedy.They will take anything they think will resell for money,or trade for drugs,so it's no suprise they would take other items of value also.

I hope and pray this guy gets all of his collection back,or even most of it back.And hope they fry the thief/thieves when they are caught.

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