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Old 05-05-2010, 05:24 AM
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Jim R
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Maryland
Posts: 1,318

My son is 12 and we do everything together-from baseball cards to fishing to going to the store. We are going to Harrisburg PA smallmouth fishing Friday.

It was me that started the cards but he is into them now-he even spent the weekend with me and Ted at the last Philly show.

Keep him interested Tim, even if it is only a card a week or a card a month. Get a check list that he can use and write on and check off the cards as they arrive at the house. Show him how to handel them so they do not get damaged and talk about the players and the history of the player in the game. Great project that will last a lifetime. With the checklist he will realize the progress and it will teach him how to reach a goal. Better explain about the Wags and the Doyle and maybe the Magie & Plank but the rest are doable.

When I get a package and I am at work my son can't wait for me to get home-he needs to open it and tell me all about it-it is priceless. He knows a great deal about cards and the history of baseball for being just 12.
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