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Old 05-14-2010, 09:04 PM
Brian Van Horn Brian Van Horn is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 6,080


The reasons I think they are strip cards is the variance of the sizes of the cards. Admittedly, the Lobert and the Rucker are the same top to bottom and side to side. Am I contradicting my previous post? No.

Also, the cut on the cards. The Lobert and the Rucker as well as the other cards I have posted have the same right border (of course, you have to stand up the Maranville), but the left border is gone from the Lobert. Finally, based on the samples from both sets listed by Lipset, and from the cards of Leon and myself, the borders and size vary.

Now, you can make the same argument for overall size of the E121s, but that is for another day....
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