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Old 05-25-2010, 09:41 AM
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ChiefBenderForever ChiefBenderForever is offline
Johnny S
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Lost in Connecticut
Posts: 1,261

I think we are all very picking but if the price is right we can justify the purchase and maybe someday upgrade if the right card comes along. I have been thinking lately how our national debt is going to affect everything if the value of a dollar keeps dropping. I believe we are currently at 92% deficit, or for every dollar we have 92 cents is debt and it will reach 100% in the next year. It seems that these numbers don't really affect the average prewar collector, and not sure how much the value of vintage cards will be affected if at all since most collectors seem to be above water and many very successful. I am just a small time collector and feel very fortunate to be able to buy any cards at all, as I think we all know people who are on the verge of losing everything, and many who were very successful. They say things are turning around, but the jobs are not there. Instead of focusing on what card I don't have, I'm trying to enjoy what I do have but being and addict am constantly looking for the next card lol !!
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