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Old 06-29-2010, 05:09 PM
tinkereversandme tinkereversandme is offline
Lar.ry Mur.phy
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 139

They got $655 for that bat signed by Clarkson and this month, a Cap Anson signed bat. Didn't they value a Clarkson single at $50,000? And they have a Clarkson signed ball this month. Pants signed by Gehrig, blah, blah, same shit.

If you click on Morales, 81 items show up.

But what's most amazing is that #155 is a Wagner signed softball, #158 is a Collins signed softball, #159 is an Ott signed softball, #162 is a Gehrig signed softball, #163 is a Speaker signed softball, #164 is a Wagner signed softballs. Also, #179-181 are balls that look the same and are signed in the same ink by Hall Of Famers. Do they look like they were signed a bit slow to you?

Love the story about the pen and Cy Young. If you have gotten away with it for 20+ years, why change now, right? After all, was there anything more amusing then the assumption that the Clarkson bat originated from the time of the sports infancy, even dated by Clarkson, 1885? Ha.


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