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Old 08-18-2010, 07:14 PM
tedzan tedzan is offline
Ted Zanidakis
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pennsylvania & Maine
Posts: 10,053
Default Revisiting the T206 Wagner "strip"

This strip was at Baltimore for all to see. Unfortunately, it is now encapsulated in plastic. I say this simply, because this makes it
impossible to tactilely examine this strip.

Nevertheless, I and 4 other long-time collectors ("dinosaurs") independently examined this strip under magnification and all 5 of us
have arrived at the same is not a standard production strip of T206's. And, it really cannot be classified as a "proof",
either. It is apparent that someone at American Litho. professionally pasted together the fronts of the 5 cards to create this strip.
Perhaps to show Wagner his card along with 4 other players to be included in their 1909 set of BB cards.

Now, I can see why they included Mordecai Brown (a 29 game winner in 1908). And, Cy Young needs no explanation (other then his
colors are not complete). I also see why Johnny Kling was included (hotshot catcher for the Championship Cubs teams, 1906-1908).
Why they selected Frank Bowerman, is not certain. Perhaps, Frank was an old-time friend of Wagner's, since they both started their
BB careers back in the 1890's.

Anyhow, the indisputable lines between each card is the revealing clue. In fact, one can see the separation between the Young and
Kling in the upper part of their adjacency.

OK, I'm sure the usual suspects on this forum will do their thing and "bust my chops" over this observation. However, I will REPEAT....
I'm not the sole critic of this strip. The other 4 guys, independently, came to the same conclusion. And mind you, that between us 5
guys there are 180+ years of hobby experience.

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