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Old 09-28-2010, 06:40 PM
judsonhamlin judsonhamlin is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Scenic Central NJ
Posts: 991

I have always liked the Friday after work time slot. First, I felt like I was getting first crack at the vintage cards (and was even a dues-paying EPSCC member for a while to get in at 400) and it was crowded but manageable. Now, with kids' sports and other weekend obligations, Friday is the best option for me for other reasons. But the last few shows dating back to Reading have been pretty dead on Friday, so I'm not sure it makes a great deal of sense to keep it open. Maybe by cutting it back to two days, Hunt can reduce the rental cost and charge less to the dealers for tables, which might stimulate more interest and reinvigorate the show.
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