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Old 12-03-2010, 10:07 AM
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jacksons jacksons is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 217
Default Re that Amos Strunk photo...

1) It's one thing to have to wear flannel on a dirt field in 100 heat and humidity, but to need to do it with an itchy collar wrapping your neck up to your jawbone must be doubly uncomfortable. Then again, maybe it was early or late in the season. I feel bad for Amos in that pic. Looks like he could've used some pronation support in those cleats, too.

2) Did equipment managers exist at the time, or were ballplayers repsonsible for washing their own uniforms? Amos looks like he wore his cutting the grass, changing the oil and caddying 18 holes before game time. Teams took great pride in uniform design in those days, but were the uniforms ever cleaned and pressed regularly by the teams?
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