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Old 12-31-2010, 08:41 PM
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Clutch-Hitter Clutch-Hitter is offline M@r.t.i.n
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: The South
Posts: 770

Thank you for taking the time to write that. My wife was at the PO when I talked to the lady on the phone, so I asked her when she got home, and it was the postmaster I spoke to. She obviously knew something was amiss. I didn't care at all about this until I started getting those responses. A hard, honest worker can say, looks like it went in the wrong box and the person hasn't returned it, etc. They answered from all kinds of angles, and the mail carrier never mentioned Fed Ex.

Everything she said formed into this: it was placed in the wrong route/sector, and when that person realized it didn't correspond to his or her route, it was given to our carrier. Prior to giving it to our carrier, it was scanned as delivered (I'm assuming) and subsequently placed in our box (she would have forced that in the box based on my experience). Someone came along and took it after that.

I know it sounds unbelievable when I say that I know it didn't get placed in my box because I know someone didn't take it from my box. We have a two street neighborhood, and I'm surrounded by family and retired people who are home all day, including my wife. My wife is at our dining room table with our kids everyday when the carrier passes and has a great view. Also, everyone here is aware of my occupation and would not attempt such because they would be caught, not that anybody here would to start with.

Sorry about the Waste Mgmt post, but it was applicable in a way, insomuch as the hard work element is missing. I did not intend to insinuate they may have took something from my box, heck, that would require them getting out of the truck. Not possible. It was a very odd thing though, to see all that trash on the ground along the side of the street. One of our retired female neighbors who live just down the road in the cul-de-sac was out picking up the trash while the garbage truck was next to her spilling it out. I liked it when there was a driver and two men on the back jumping off, snatching the cans, and moving to the next. They always waved and said hello if we were in the yard. It was personal. I've always found it significant that the garbage man element was missing, at least from where I live.

Thank you for your hard work.
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