Thread: Kreindleritis
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Old 02-03-2011, 10:59 AM
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Default Kreindleritis

So how many here are infected?
As I unboxed the newest centerpiece to my collection I thought about the illness and its stages.

This is my interpretation of the various signs and symptoms. This disease entity is fairly new to the medical field, so I am certainly open to suggestions for additions and modifications.

Stage 1: A passing interest begins. It is usually a chance viewing like when first taking note of the Mathewson painting posted by Graig in 7/09 thread. Some in this stage may have even visited his website.

Stage 2: You now have become more obsessed. You now know which post in that thread Graig posted the Matty(#24). This allows you to pull out your smartphone at a moments notice to show someone the picture that "will blow them away." At this point his website in linked in both home, work, and phone browsers. Other findings may include download of pictures from here or the website to use as your computer background or printed and framed.

Stage 3: You become more passionate now. You become excited whenever there is a new post in the "On the easel" thread. You start to strategize how you can pull off the purchase.(The offical diagnosis does not require this symptom as it may not be present in those with larger resources). Pictures start to lose some of their intrinsic beauty, as all you can focus on is how they would look in Kreindlercolor(thanks David/Kawika!)

Stage 4: You go for it and order the painting. This is a very tricky phase as once you have the picture in hand there may be a brief decrease in symptoms. This phonemenon is related to the satisfaction that goes along with admiring it in its new surrounding, showing it off to all your friends, and posting it online. Some might even go so far as to write about their obsession.
Many clinicians have been fooled by this euphoric period into thinking the illness is over.

Stage 5: The brief joy is over and the hunger returns. At this stage the infection is deep seated. You thought getting one would sate the illness, but instead it cemented it's hold on you. Now you want another one.
You realize that Conlon knew how take a pretty good picture, but you're absolutely sure Graig can make it look the way it really should.
For those with more resources, it becomes a question of which picture to get. Do you start a theme or just go for the best picture? For those with less, it's how do I swing the money? You start to scheme...Do I sell stuff that is less improtant to me? Can I sell the one I have for multiples of what I paid, which I know it's absolutely worth, and go back for multiple paintings or only one, but a bigger size?
This stage can also be characterized by the rearranging of you den/home to make sure the painting is displayed in a proper setting.

Stage 6: The end stage. You have given in and own multiple paintings and still want more! This stage is marked by satisfaction in the beauty your home now has hanging in it.

The good news is that the infection is of variable trasmissive property. It is highly contagious to baseball fans. Fortunately, It seems many wives are immune to it's effect. If they ever lose their immunity, I fear for all our safety.

Research on treatment options are underway, but, so far, there is no cure.

For myself, I am in the euphoria of stage 4. Now I have to finish my basement to give the painting a proper place to hang(Oh No! Stage 5 here I come!). How about you?

Thanks for your amazing work. I love the painting. Tell Dean that the packing was great. It's a tank.
As I'm no art afficionado, I like your opinion on framing it? As an artist, do you feel framing takes away from the painting itself?

Thanks for the pic. I appreciate it very much. Enjoy yours.


Now a few pics.

My signed 1934 Goudey set(in progress).

Other interests/sets/collectibles.

My for sale or trade photobucket album

Last edited by Lordstan; 02-03-2011 at 11:21 AM.
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