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Old 03-06-2011, 06:35 AM
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Default Celebrity penmanship 2011

Originally Posted by mjkm90 View Post
I greatly appreciate autographs and have collected a couple dozen over the years of retired players. While I have not purchased any new examples in years due to a shift in interest to other display pieces, I would not shy away from them. I agree with several posters here that some of the fun would be the education process regarding authentic signatures and the hunt.

A little side bar here. There are several guys playing today who's signature I would love to have, but you cant read the damn things. I don't want any autographs in my collection that a person off the street can't make out with a little effort. Penmanship is a rapidly fading away. Does this bother any of you?
I couldn't agree with you more re: celebrity penmanship rapidly fading. FWIW, there are so few current athletes that have an autograph that you can even read that it really makes you wonder if it's even worth getting them at all....

Maybe it's all part of a master plan to create an autograph that no collector would even want...

My own opinion is that our current incessant use of computers and PDA's has distanced us from the practice of the art of writing writing with a pen. I actually think of this every time I attempt to write something longhand; my penmanship has taken a serious hit due to lack of practice. When you think about it, the younger athlete has mostly spent their life using computers and a keyboard to complete school projects that our generation always did in longhand with a pen...

I believe that is one of the reasons that I am drawn to vintage autographs signed with a steel-tipped fountain pen and great penmanship.
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