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Old 03-31-2011, 01:57 PM
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Johnny S
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Originally Posted by bobbvc View Post
It always amazes me how sports fans and the public in general can side with the owners in these cases. Some athletes are making a lot of money to be sure, but in many cases ruining their bodies and you are paying to see THEM, not the owners. The owners are making Tens of millions many times over every year and not just in a few peak years like the athletes. The players aren't moving franchises in the middle of the night, taking public subsidies for more profitable stadiums. In any case the average fan is living a life much closer to that of a player than an owner.
And as far as the slavery comment, Walter Johnson said the same thing nearly 100 years ago.

Athletes have talent and that's it, the only reason they get paid is because the owners are already worth millions or billions and many lose money on their teams so without the legit money they have would go broke running the team. Look at the NBA, only a few teams make a profit, the rest are losing millions and the league is on the brink of going under. The owners don't need the team and neither do the fans, the players do and without it many would make minimum wage. When Walter Johnson played the players were treated badly and played under terrible conditions. These days they are spoiled and look at AP, gets paid 10 mill and can't even play a full season and still crys. How can you compare an average fan to a pro athlete when the avg fan can barely afford to go to a single game, and those who do go never pay for tickets anyways since they are all bought corporate seats handed out to favorites at the corporate jobs. Tickets are expensive and most are tax write offs and this is the owners fault, but at the same time it pays for all the salaries of the players and the fans put up with it. I hope the NFL does strike so they can see how stupid they really are. Without gambling and fantasy football the NFL wouldn't be the popular sport it is but they think it is all about them when it is all about the stats. And right now the economy is the worst it has been since the 1970s and the players have the gall to cry about money ? I'm not siding with the owners but they already built an empire by being cut throat so don't expect them to bend to what they see as a bunch of ignorant spoiled brats. Yes the players make the owners money but they don't need it as it's all gravy and that is what the idiot players don't seem to take into acct when they cry about getting robbed and ripped off. The owners don't need to budge and shouldn't, anything they lose is just a tax write off anyways. It's like us crying about taxes and saying we are not going to pay them, ask Wesley Snipes how that worked out.
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