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Old 04-01-2011, 10:16 AM
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N.ate A.dams
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Originally Posted by pgellis View Post
I guess I am the only one who thought that the way that these cards were sold was strange. One of the first lots was for a large group of Southern League cards that were offered on a Friday afternoon at 12:00noon and sold that same afternoon at 4:30.......put out there for 4.5 hours......then sold. I put in an offer just for 4 of the cards and never heard back.....not 1 word. Sold.....entire lot 4.5 hours later. I guarantee that my offer for just those 4 cards was probably a large percentage of what the entire lot sold for. Why only wait 4.5 hours before declaring a lot sold? Why not let others come home from work and "bid" on them? I don't get it.

Why not take bids? Why not take individual offers for each card to maximize the revenue for the owner? I know there are a lot of cards, but come on..........

I don't get it!

Are these your cards? Are you selling them? Do know the exact details of the situation Steve is in, or the family in which he is selling for? Is this any of your business? If they need the money now, do you think it's okay to question the manner in which Steve is selling a group of BASEBALL cards?

Even though this hobby is important to us, they are still just old pieces of cardboard with lithographs on them. The fact that you were unable to get a certain group of cards should not motivate you to be upset with Steve for how the sales have been going on. Imagine having to ship 2000+ cards to an incredible amount of different addresses, or keeping track of all the payments from individual people, making sure that each card goes to the right place. You're asking for someone to commit to months and months if not a year of work, when this family could very well need the money before the month is out.

No hard feelings, just wanted to say something!

I thought Gradedcardman had a great response to what you said:

Originally Posted by Gradedcardman View Post
My response to that is based on the volume on cards in the Beantown Find and the speed in which I am sure these folks may need these sold this is the best way to sell them. Selling off 2000 + cards individually would be nerve racking at best.

I commend Steve for agreeing to do this for the family as it is a tremendous task. All of the lots I read stated "lot only". I have not seen any group that said make individual cards offers. Is he missing out on some $$, maybe but the time value of money says turn and burn.

He can sell these anyway he pleases. His cards his rules.
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