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Old 04-01-2011, 09:21 PM
wonkaticket wonkaticket is offline
J0hn McD@niel
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 2,668

Guys come on...

As usual any simple discussion or point is taken to the extreme on here… with no middle ground.

Here is a simple readers digest points..I think some of us were trying to make…..if you see them or not no big deal..

• Hard to think lots were getting full potential when lots are up and gone in a matter of minutes in a very limited venue such as the BST.

• Some of us feel the BST for a card collection like this may not have been the best option, not our choice either nor do we ultimately care (speaking for myself) but we should not be vilified for voicing an opinion on this topic started by Steve on a public forum in a respectful manner.

• Why care about maximum value, Steve made a point as part of the sales pitch it was for Granny’s golden years and assisted living. Anyone who’s been thru that fun part of life with mom or dad can surely be sympathetic or might even respect the points/questions on sales prices & timelines made by Greg, Phil or I to be a good thing for both parties not an evil thing.

• Steve made it clear not really in this for the warm and fuzzies “I’m getting juice and cards I want at a discount”. Not that he cares but I respect him a lot for being up front on that hell of a lot more than most folks stand up in my book. Also nobody at least not me is painting him as villain for this, but also not sure he should be raised up as a hero for this either. I don’t see any of you guys praising any other auction houses or business for doing what they are being compensated for as something so special.

Finally I have no dog in this fight I’m not after any of these cards in a hardcore way in the T206 department I’m doing ok. Sure it would have been nice to be able to toss an offer in before the egg timer went off but no biggie.

If Steve wants to sell these for $1 card not my problem good on him…just with the whole story about assisted living. Having been thru that with my grandmother and seeing others go thru that ugly mess every penny can count. Shame on us for giving any advice that we found to be helpful, to the good cause and back story this was flown under.

In the end its no surprise the folks who are saying it’s great are the ones who are buying, and the others are folks who wish they could buy.

I also found it really funny that many of the folks here who jumped my case on using the “A” word (auction house) over the BST that the BST was the way to go…have had different views over the years. To me this was as much about the validity of the BST vs. auction houses and not so much about Steve and his beantown cards.

This forum is littered with folks who have come on here with less significant finds and the responses were quite different. These folks from the past were given a virtual laundry list of who’s who in the auction world..not too many BST recommendations.

Heck even our illustrious leader (Hi Leon, dont let the word illustrious go to your head ) had a falling out and monumental pissing match with a fellow past forum member when that member got mad at our moderator for recommending and standing by his recommendation to use a particular auction house for the Skydash collection….which by the way didn’t hit the BST in 3 hour lots. LOL

I found it humorous that folks would say "how can you assume he’s not getting good coin?" The flip side to that is "how can you assume he is?" or that other options wouldn’t be valid or worth tossing out in a discussion thread.

Remember he’s making money off this community and is happy doing so and that’s cool, but if the worst thing is a few community members offer up some advice or a complaint that’s part of the bag and doesn;t make you a victim.

After all it is a web community correct?


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