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Old 05-11-2011, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Spike View Post

Others mentioned that high-series 1950s cards have turned up in Venezuela, hinting that Topps sent leftover stock there after American baseball seasons. If that's the case, it's also tempting as a reason for locals to only print and sell the early series, which wouldn't reach their own candy stores. Not the whole story, certainly, but at least possible.
Ya know, I never thought of that and it's a good point. In additon to Josh John Rumierz is the guy on these since he lived there for a while and he mentioned to me at the National he thought a couple of sets such as 60 or 62 could have been released over two years, thus saving printing of sets in 61 or 63. You could put out a first series in say the spring of one year, right around the end of the Caribbean World Series, and then in the fall issue series two in such a scenario. The six week series cycle Topps used in the US may not have applied in Venezuela.
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