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Old 05-11-2011, 05:07 PM
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BradH BradH is offline
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Location: Georgia
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Originally Posted by CW View Post
I stuck with it for awhile, collecting from '77 (age 7) through '85 (age 15). While I kept one geeky vice (my love for Rush music), I did fall out of baseball card collecting for about 15 years, getting back into collecting in '99.

You and I must have been separated at birth. The ‘77s were my first true love and I too took a “Rush break” in the 1980s. I came back to the hoppy and turned to tobacco cards when I landed my first “real” job in the mid 1990s, although I now collect as much 1950s football as I do old baseball.

I bought a few packs in 1976, but really dove in as a seven-year-old in 1977. I still have 500 or so of my original ’77 Topps cards in the same wooden box I housed them in (decorated with my little drawings of the team logos). I have since gone on to complete two very high-grade ’77 sets, and I’m working on a third, but I will always keep those originals because of the fond memories.

I collected for a few years until 1982, when all three card designs that year really turned me off, so I really didn’t buy any cards that year. A high school buddy and I bought a ton of 1986 and ’87 cards, most of which I sold a couple years back in a yard sale. Mom and Dad never really supported my hobby, but somehow a few packs always made their way into my Easter basket or under the Christmas tree.
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