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Old 05-12-2011, 04:41 PM
mrvster mrvster is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 4,294
Default t206 split piedy

I was waiting to hear from you!!

That brown lenox still has me in awe, your rea pickups and the obaks...i need o2 after i saw all of them...WOW!!!!! i am really impressed, i love your scan of the brown lenox, you can really see it, i have never held a brown lenox in my hand, dan held that one and now you own it, sickness, truly jaw dropping

you and Trae, and Jim R, i want involved when it's time to showcase my freaks, i am little potatoes, its not a huge collection, and my computer scanning skills sux ....your collection must be absolutely mind blowing i really can't even imagine it like Jim R's ...and some other collectors out there....

also, i truly appologize to all for not meeting all of you at shows/nationals(leon , jantz, Jim r.,Art m., jantz, erick s, barry, and a ton of other collectors i have met over the years that have been truly awesome to's tuf for me, the last show i went to was reading about 4 years ago with my friend and collector, and awesome guy who has seen preety much all my cards, i owe to getting me hooked on t206, johhny drekker...i had the pleasure of meeting dan mckee, it was great, i picked up a ghosted wilson (double register for 40 bucks)...

Anyway, thanks to all, and thanks again John, keep up those rarity of this monsta!!!HELP!!!let me off this ride!~!!!!!


please, more scans!i need my fix

...maybe we can all someday have our own T206 "freak" musuem website?? Trae?? John??


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